Membership Benefits
Members may attend conferences, and be present at all Board of Governors meetings and general meetings. Members may vote for, serve, and hold office on the board of Governors. Members receive all general mailings and minutes of Board of Governors Meetings.
Members are entitled to participate in the ACS Suspension Program by making complete legal and financial arrangements for their eventual cryonic suspension.
Members may sponsor other people including members of their family and minor children for participation in the suspension program.
The Student Suspension Plan allows students to be full members of the American Cryonics Society while paying only $55 per year. This allows students to participate fully in the ACS Suspension Program for that reduced fee. This fee continues until 1 year after they leave school. From then on full membership dues are charged.
Contributors are those individuals and organizations that donate to ACS charitable funds. The ACS General Fund is for any purpose consistent with supporting cryonics and cryobiology research and development. Contributors may also choose to donate to special research funds that have been established by the ACS board often having to do with the safety or special needs of ACS patients now in cold care or designated research projects.
Check with us to see which projects are currently seeking funding. Contributors receive special mailings regarding the activities and work of the funds which they contribute to and are welcome to participate in other ACS sponsored programs. Contributions should be made out to the American Cryonics Society and a letter of directions should accompany any dedicated gifts.