Introduction by Edgar Swank, President of
The ACS Management Structure:
We Believe that Cryonics
is for cryonicists
Our Members are in Charge
Ultimate Privacy
Our members choose their own Governors
and Officers
"Keys to December" how we keep
going and going...
ACS company structure and business
Why we do Contracting
Why we "just say no" to some "business
Why we place so much emphasis on emergency
and "fail-safe" planning
As President and one of the founding members of the American Cryonics
Society ("ACS"), I am pleased and proud to tell you a
little about our organization, the oldest US cryonics society. The
American Cryonics Society has members though-out most of the US
and Canada and in several foreign countries. In 1969 when I and
other dedicated cryonicists founded our company (initially under
the name "Bay Area Cryonics Society"), we visualized an
organization dedicated to furthering research and education into
cryobiology (including cryonics research). We didn't then expect
that our organization would provide cryonic suspension services
nationally (in some cases internationally). Since then, not only
has ACS provided or assisted in cryonic suspensions of our members,
we have contributed significantly to research and done much to introduce
cryonics to the public.
Besides myself, our founders include two prominent physicians,
as well as long-time ACS Chairman Jerome White, now in suspension.
The first human suspensions sponsored
and directed by our company were in 1974, which in fact means that
ACS has engaged in the practice of cryonics longer than any other
cryonics society in the world.
To achieve our research and educational goals, ACS has developed
a number of programs or "special projects" which are described
in other literature and on our web page. We are perhaps best known
for our cryonic suspension research program. Under this unique plan, individuals become research
subjects as well as provide funding to conduct our research, which
includes the controlled freezing and long-term cold-maintenance
of the individual's own body after natural death. Unlike most other
organizations that fund or conduct research, many ACS research projects
are *very* long-term with subjects frozen to liquid nitrogen temperatures
and kept in "cryostats" for decades if not centuries.

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An organization that plans to engage in the kind of long-term research
identified as "cryonics" must perform several unique functions.
In order to best explain the purpose and the operations of the American
Cryonics Society we discuss these functions one by one in
"A Time Travel Guide for the Cryonaut
(requires free PDF viewer)" and tell how ACS endeavors
to accomplish its goals by performing these tasks.
This guide is intended as a companion to the ACS article "Freeze
A Jolly Good Fellow," which provides answers to the most
frequently asked questions about cryonics and the American Cryonics
Society's suspension program. This article is based on a 1999 article
that appeared in The Director magazine.
The practice of cryonics is controversial. Some of our critics
see it as a delusion or a cruel hoax. To the cryonicist it is logical
and (to many) literally a matter of life and death. Even to its
most ardent supporters, cryonics is (at best) a logical speculation.
Cryonics is not unique in having this speculative aspect. There
are many enterprises such as the insurance business, and the stock
market, that also have a product or service dependent on future
happenings. Cryonics, even more than other such enterprises, must
bear the burden of properly identifying its speculative nature,
and disclosing, (as well as can be) the present limitations and
possible future problems. We do not want to say or print anything
that will give people unwarranted hope or optimism. Neither do we
wish to incorrectly characterize as "hopeless" situations
where thoughtful people who have studied the subject, think there
is reason to proceed.
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